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To address the delicate and broad topic of hair loss, it is necessary to first introduce the topic of the life cycle of the hair.

| The life cycle of the hair

Like many other processes, hair growth is a cyclical mechanism.
Growth lasts from 2 to 6 years and is characterized by the formation of new cells in the bulb. The hair experiences a transitional phase of about 15 days and then enters a resting phase for about 2/4 months. At the end of this period it falls out leaving space for the new hair that starts growing.
The three phases of the follicular cycle are known as:

  • Anagen phase: it is the growth phase of the hair because it is characterized by an intense activity of cellular reproduction.
  • Catagen phase: it is the phase of gradual cessation of various cellular activities
  • Telogen phase: it is the phase of reproductive rest at the end of which Anagen phase starts again
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| Hair loss

Hair loss is a physiological process, related to its life. In any case, it remains a concerning event.
There are two categories of hair loss:

  • effluvium indicates the fall of hundreds, sometimes thousands of hairs per day
  • defluvium is a limited hair loss, less than 100 per day (normally from 80 to 100)

The causes of hair loss – Why does hair fall out?

The possible causes of hair loss are varied. The first is certainly the “stress” factor, which is not ascribable to possible scalp problems. In moments of high stress, the high amount of adrenaline affects also hair follicles. Stress and hair are intimately correlated: stress surely causes hair loss but also hair loss is a cause of stress.
Other possible causes of physical hair loss can be:

  • circulatory disorders, which decrease blood flow and nutrient intake
  • eating disorders, such as drastic diets
  • hormonal alterations
  • overmedication
  • thyroid problems
  • anemia

Other causes can be connected to skin conditions such as:

  • excessive sebaceous secretion causing the bulb to asphyxiate
  • alterations in skin balance such as hyperhidrosis and/or inflammation

| What is alopecia?

The term alopecia refers to the lack or scarcity of hair in the areas of the skin normally covered with it. The term derives from the word alopex, scientific name of the fox, an animal that in spring undergoes a massive loss of hair. The main types of alopecia are: androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.

Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia (or AGA), commonly known as baldness, is a condition that occurs primarily in genetically predisposed men – and to a much lesser extent in women. It causes widespread hair loss. In men, it is distinguished by localized loss around the temple regions and the hairline. In women it leads to more generalized thinning. In both cases, it results in increasingly shallow follicles and production of shorter and less pigmented hair.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is currently considered an autoimmune disease, but there is also a genetic predisposition and it is thought that emotional and psychological factors are also involved. The onset is acute and sudden and causes hair to fall out in small circular or oval patches.

| Seasonal hair loss and “anti-hair loss” remedies

The so-called seasonal hair loss occurs during seasonal changes. This means that there is an increase in hair loss during spring (March and April) and autumn (September to November).
Certainly, this is a physiological phenomenon of natural replacement that lasts a few weeks. However, if you notice that the ratio between the anagen (growth) phase is lower than the telogen (resting-fall) phase, you may experience an unusual hair loss condition.

Seasonal hair loss, as we have seen, cannot be prevented. However, it can be limited by trying to strengthen hair through a healthy diet, regular physical activity and the use of specific treatments.

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