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How to keep long hair healthy

Long hair is known to be fascinating and beautiful, but they require a lot of care and pampering. Already achieving the desired length is a long goal. Once achieved it must also be kept strong, healthy and detangled.

Why is it harder to keep long hair healthy?

Everyone can have long hair! Of course, they deserve special attention to keep them soft and healthy. The main obstacle is split ends: if not cared for properly, the ends can split and become weak, more prone to breakage. Strong, healthy-looking ends create a voluminous, shiny effect.
If long hair is not particularly well cared for, it can appear dull and mattl – the natural or cosmetic color can fade resulting in lackluster – or even damaged. All this certainly gives the idea of neglected hair. The desire, on the other hand, of those who wear long hair is to have it shiny and lustrous!

When they are too long and how often they need to be cut off

There is no perfect lenght or even a correct age to wear them. Best in any case to let them grow slowly but in good condition. Cutting may be necessary in case of brittle hair and split ends, and in any case it is advisable to trim them every two to three months or so to make them grow and enhance growth. Hair gradually becomes finer as it grows, especially at the ends. When you realize that your hair is too fine and the ends are starting to split, it’s time to give it a trim! As for age, you can wear it long all the time, the important thing is that the cut is harmonized and suits you and your physiognomy!

A few secrets to keeping long hair healthy

One of the main secrets to having nourished and soft long hair is taking care of it both at home and in the salon. It is important to remember to do regular treatments and use specific shampoo and conditioner. Also alternate the conditioner, which is lighter and faster, with a good mask, which is more effective in nourishing and revitalizing. When hair is long, as we have seen, it requires more maintenance and hydration, so yes to treatments to soften and detangle it. Specific oils can be used to help the ends from breaking. You also need to protect your hair from ‘excessive heat from blow dryers and straighteners by using heat protection products. Also remember to flat iron only on dry hair: flat ironing wet strands dehydrates them and can damage the hair. It is important to detangle the hair carefully, brushing the hair gently and not too frequently. Finally, remember to protect hair before exposure to the sun, chlorine and salt spray with specific sunscreen products.

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