How much does hair grow
You just went to your favorite barbershop and now your hair seems too short? Have you cut your hair and now repent it? The question is: how much does hair grow? How much does hair grow in a month? Let’s see together what it depends on, how much it grows and if there are tricks to make it grow faster.
The growth of hair
There are several factors that affect the growth of hair. On average, hair grows quickly and regularly by about 1 cm per month. The difference in growth rate varies from subject to subject, hair type, ethnicity, lifestyle and gender.
Let’s start with ethnicity. Hair growth varies according to ethnicity: African hair grows slower on average than European hair, while Asian hair grows faster.
Women’s hair grows on average faster than men’s. Men’s hair growth is therefore slightly slower.
Another factor is age: as the years pass, growth cycles slow down, while when young they are faster, so more growth occurs.
Finally, a healthy lifestyle is crucial: if hair is healthy, growth will also be visible and faster.
How much hair grows in a month
Si stima che i capelli in un mese crescono di circa 1 cm. Come abbiamo visto la crescita dipende anche dall’etnia di appartenenza: per quanto riguarda l’etnia asiatica, i capelli crescono in media di 1,3 cm al mese. Per gli europei la media è di 1,2 cm al mese, mentre i capelli africani sono quelli che crescono più lentamente, meno di un cm al mese. Esistono però dei trucchi e degli accorgimenti per far crescere i capelli più rapidamente: vediamo insieme quali.
How to accelerate hair growth
It’s important to take care of the scalp first, starting with the roots and then also taking care of the ends. It’s also important to brush hair carefully, reduce heat and mechanical strain, and leave it as free as possible. Obviously, if you often keep your hair tied up, brush it vigorously, or use a flat iron incorrectly, your hair will become more brittle and prone to breakage. In addition, a healthy, balanced diet helps to keep hair in good condition, if necessary taking specific supplements. Frequent haircuts, even just the classic ‘trim’, supports the renewal process.
Finally it is important to choose the right skin and length care products carefully, especially suitable for one’s problem and hair type.